Why MarineSAFE
The Why
MarineSAFE is about you and your family
This video is in memory of Barry Wells, a commercial fisher who was lost at sea in 1999. His wife Jude and daughter Amanda talk about their experiences and ongoing loss still felt 20 years on. MarineSAFE was developed in an effort to prevent any more families having to deal with the loss or serious injury to their loved ones. This is our WHY.
Innovative learning programmes
Government statistics advise that the fishing industry has one of the highest rates of ACC claims and a survey published by Maritime NZ in 2017 reported that only half the workers surveyed had completed any training in the past 12 months.
Top features
Learning Experiences you will fall in love with
Engaging and effective training
Increases crew interest and morale
Safer crew
Improves health and safety outcomes for your business and addresses internal weaknesses
Consistent training
Standardised training on a pathway of learning that is suited to you