Wharf Safety

  • Level: Beginner
  • Study time: 20 minutes
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Course overview
Hazards are not just at sea, but also exist during land-based activities. Wharfs are often challenging places to work as you will be working with other parties and around moving machinery. This course will help you to understand the hazards and mitigation controls associated with getting on and off a vessel, and the general wharf loading/unloading safe work practices.

MarineSAFE recommend that all crew complete this module for MOSS compliance.
  • Video time: 12 minutes
  • Quizes: One

What's included

  • 1 Video
  • 1 Quiz
    1 Resource
  • 1 Certificate

Course Objectives

On successful completion, students will be able to 
  • Identify the hazards and mitigation controls associated with key wharf activities
  • Identify hazards and mitigation controls associated with access/egress to vessels
  • Identify hazards and mitigation controls associated with wharf loading and unloading of a vessel