Vessel Induction - New Crew

  • Level: Beginner
  • Study time: 30 minutes
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Course overview
There is a lot to learn on your first trip on a vessel. This course aims to provide new crew with induction information on the terminology, hazards, risk management processes and emergency equipment onboard and how to keep yourself safe until fully competent.

MarineSAFE recommend that experienced crew also complete this module as a refresher for MOSS compliance.
  • Video time: 17 minutes
  • Quizes: One

What's included

  • 1 Video
  • 1 Quiz
  • 1 Certificate

Course Objectives

On successful completion, students will be able to 
  • Describe the terminology used for key vessel areas and equipment and its use
  • Identify the emergency procedure requirements onboard a vessel
  • Identify key hazards associated with vessel operations and provide examples on how these can be managed