Responsible Fisher Passport

  • Level: Intermediate
  • Study time: 90 minutes
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This voyage to get your passport is via an introduction, and then 4 training modules. At the end of each module, there is a short quiz and once you have completed all modules you will be emailed the Responsible Fisher Passport Certificate that can be used as training evidence to support both your Fisheries and also Maritime Safety training requirements.  You are able to do one module at a time or all, at a time that suits you.
Course overview
There are so many requirements from the various regulations covering commercial fishing, so we understand it’s hard to get it right all the time. Not knowing or following the rules can end in unwanted costs, stress, anxiety, and mistakes. Nobody goes to sea to “get it wrong” but it can happen, even to the best of us.

The Responsible Fisher videos and resources are here to help you get it right! They’re available now and they’re free! 

  • Video time: 70 minutes
  • Quizes: Five

What's included

  • 6 Videos
  • 5 Quizes
  • 1 Certificate

Course Objectives

On successful completion, students will be able to 
  • Identify the potential risks and harm posed during the relevant phases of the life cycle of a machine
  • Identify the hazards and harm associated with machinery use onboard a vessel
  • Identify types of safety controls used for machine safety

View the Responsible Fisher Page for information on the camera project and other useful resources