Fishing Operations - New Crew

  • Level: Beginner
  • Study time: 35 minutes
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Course overview
For new crew to gain a broad understanding of the fishing industry and the hazards involved with the 3 main types of fishing methods in New Zealand - Trawling, Long lining and Potting. The course will cover the tasks, equipment and hazards associated with each method, and the innovation and environmental protection strategies that have been developed by the New Zealand Fishing Industry

MarineSAFE recommends that all crew complete this module for MOSS compliance.
  • Video time: 20 minutes
  • Quizes: One

What's included

  • 1 Video
  • 1 Quiz
  • 1 Resource
  • 1 Certificate

Course Objectives

On successful completion, students will be able to 
  • Explain the use, purpose, gear configuration and principles for three key methods used to fish in New Zealand
  • Identify of the hazards and risks associated with key fishing methods and equipment and provide examples of how these are managed
  • Provide examples of the innovation and environmental management techniques within each of the fishing methods used by the NZ Fishing Industry 
        Range: Key fishing methods covered are Trawling, Long Lining & Potting